
Fox Chat: 6 Questions Over Coffee

Jadyn Lance '24, Marketing & 通信的实习生

Image of Vanessa hasbrouck
Vanessa Hasbrouck '24 enjoying coffee and a bagel outside of the library. 摄影:Yasir Olenja '24.

Fox Chat is a student-produced segment where Red Foxes sit down to connect over coffee and chat about their Marist experience. 

In this segment, Jadyn Lance ’24 interviews 凡妮莎·哈斯布鲁克24岁.


专业:英语 & 哲学

Q: Favorite place on campus to grab a quick bite?

A: Books and Beans (in the library). The bagels are so good because they are from Eastdale. I'm a Jersey girl, so bagels are in my blood. I put on the new veggie cream cheese the other day. There's a little bit of artichoke in it that is really delicious.

Q: What's the largest number of groundhogs you've seen around campus in one day?

A: I'm so used to seeing them in my backyard at home because I live in “YeeHaw” New Jersey so they never really stick out. When I do see them on campus, I take pictures every time. I would say 2 or 3 at most in a day.

Image of groundhog on Marist campus

Q: Who is one of your favorite Marist professors? 

A: 詹姆斯·斯奈德. He's a philosophy professor with a very good sense of humor, which makes the class so much more entertaining. He's really good at what he does, always open for office hours to read over your essays and everything. He is very generous and very good at giving guidance.

Q: Have a favorite Marist memory?

A: On my second day at Marist, I barely knew the people on my floor, but we were getting along well. We decided to study by the river on the dock with blankets. 冒险的感觉, I walked alone to the rocks by the river to take in the view and slipped and fell in; mud went up my leg. My new friends watched in shock from the dock. It was definitely an unforgettable and quirky introduction that my now best friends and I still laugh about as seniors.

Image of 凡妮莎·哈斯布鲁克24岁 at Books and Beans
凡妮莎·哈斯布鲁克24岁 at Books and Beans. 摄影:Yasir Olenja '24.

Q: What do you do outside of class? 

A: I currently serve as the administrative coordinator for the Student Government Association, president of Marist's Habitat for Humanity chapter, and a member of the dance ensemble. I also manage the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 Honor Program's social media. My involvement in the Department of Spiritual Life and Service rounds out my extracurricular activities, all of which align with my passions.

Q: What does life after Marist look like?

A: I want to go to law school. During the interim between my undergraduate and law studies, I would like to work as a paralegal. I aspired to become a criminal defense attorney, but my perspective shifted during my internship at Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office, where I witnessed a murder trial in which the defendant's guilt was unmistakable. It became clear to me that I couldn't morally defend individuals I knew were guilty, despite it being my professional duty. As a result, I want to go towards a career in prosecution.
