Campus Communications


Anthony Proia, Director of Media Relations
Illustration by twindesigner/

November 6, 2023 — In the last few weeks, 在最近的世界事件中,许多基督教徒受到了伤害,可能仍然在处理各种各样的情绪, most notably those in the Middle East. 浏览海量的图片和信息——以及越来越多的虚假信息——可能是一项艰巨的任务, 让你很难控制情绪反应.


Importance of Promoting Mental Health

Dr. Daria Hanssen, bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学社会工作学士学位项目主任, said it is important to acknowledge the fear, grief, anger, 或者我们和我们周围的人正在经历的其他感觉. 

“我们每个人都可以在自己的生活中以及与他人在一起时成为和平与正义的使者。. 他也是一名社会工作副教授. “善待彼此,这是在微妙的谈话中尊重彼此界限的时候.”

In these challenging times, Dr. 汉森说,每个人都可以在创建一个致力于移情学习和追求更美好世界的和平社区中发挥作用.

“Amidst this world of conflict, injustice and strife, 我们都可以尽我们所能,创造一个和平的社区,致力于移情学习,并希望有一个更美好的世界,” she added.

Dr. 汉森说,我们消费的媒体弊大于利, 并留意心理健康问题的迹象. 这些症状可能从感觉疲惫到压力增加不等, anxiety, or even a sense of hopelessness.

Pitfalls of Media Consumption

在全天候新闻周期和社交媒体的时代, 跟上源源不断的信息流已经成为一项挑战, 让你很难拔掉插头,找不到休息的时间. 通过数字平台和社交媒体获取新闻,确保只需点击一下更新和头条新闻, contributing to information overload.

According to the Pew Research Center, 大约50%的美国人依赖社交媒体获取新闻. In recent weeks, 我们的社交媒体上充斥着来自中东的画面, with some of it being accurate, and some not.

Dr. Amanda Damiano, Director of Marist's Center for Social Media, 强调,虽然社交媒体提供了快速的信息共享, it doesn't consistently convey the truth, contributing to confusion and animosity.

当涉及到验证信息的准确性时,媒介素养技能是关键. 他的研究兴趣包括新媒体技术对社会和心理的影响. “能够有效和高效地理解和使用大众传播必须是一个永恒的目标:知识就是力量.” 

Image of smartphone.
Photo by wachiwit/

Dr. 达米亚诺强调,由于无情的全球信息流,社交媒体公司在打击虚假信息方面面临困难. While Meta, the parent company operating Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, 据报道,加强安全措施是为了应对违规内容的激增吗, TikTok has also bolstered its moderation efforts. On the other hand, 像Twitter/X这样的平台面临着人员配备方面的挑战, 强调用户标记虚假内容的重要性.

To ensure the accuracy of information, Dr. Damiano said media literacy skills are essential. 

“重要的是要通过与三个可靠的消息来源进行交叉参考来核实信息. We must think before we share, and sources with editorial control, which attempt to verify content validity, are ideal,” she said. 

Services Available to the Marist Community

在这种情况下,自我照顾尤为重要. 任何寻求支持的学生都可以获得咨询服务, a compassionate listener, or related services, 他们既可以亲自访问,也可以在线访问. 

“在这样的时刻,照顾好我们自己和彼此尤为重要, and it can look different for each person,” said Marisa Moore, Director of Counseling Services. “For example, 有些人可能更喜欢把他们的想法和感受记录在纸上或他们的(智能手机)笔记应用程序上.”

摩尔说,随时欢迎学生安排预约或到咨询服务中心的三个“Let’s Talk”地点之一, which offer informal, 与咨询中心的临床咨询师进行私人咨询. Additionally, the Thriving Campus 资源可用于寻找校外或家庭治疗师, making it a valuable resource, especially during breaks.

Learn more here bet亚洲365欢迎投注咨询服务,以及使用“让我们谈谈”和“繁荣校园”资源.

Additional resources include:

Office of Spiritual Life and Service 对我们社区的任何成员都适用,不管他们的信仰是什么. 

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is available to meet with students, faculty, 还有那些可能想要讨论他们对当地或全球气候的担忧的员工. 

参加学院福利的教职员工也可以使用 Employee Assistance Program, a benefit managed through Aetna: (888) 238-6232.


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